Managing Your Mental Health While Working Remotely

A cartoon of an individual doing 6 different tasks at the same time at a work desk. Representing how working from home shouldn't cost your mental health. An ADHD therapist in Charlotte, NC can help you find balance.

Three years after the beginning days of a global pandemic, many of us still find ourselves adjusting to completely virtual or hybrid work environments. Remote work offers opportunities for some that were not previously available, such as flexibility in working location and caretaking schedules, as well as a general increase in accessibility. However, working virtually […]

ADHD Decision Making

"ADHD" on wooden cubes. ADHD treatment for adults in Charlotte, NC can help you with decision making & fatigue. Reach out today for help!

Our lives are an accumulation of decisions made over time. Every day we are presented with infinite choices. Some small, like deciding what’s for dinner. Others are big, like having a child. Some easy, some that feel impossible, and some that exist in the middle. You probably don’t even realize many of the decisions you’re […]

Mistakes in Sports and Life

Mistakes are unavoidable. They can feel extremely painful and impactful and are part of the human condition. In the realm of sports, mistakes are quantifiable. To manage the inevitable slip-ups, mindfulness can be an impactful tool. Athletes often incorporate mindfulness into their training to manage the uncontrollable mistakes and distractions that will happen throughout competition. […]

Helping young adults establish independent self-management

A cartoon image of an individual standing crossing their arms & their shadow flexing behind them. This represents how our ADHD therapist in Charlotte, NC can help you find confidence in decision making & more. Reach out today to get started.

As teenagers transition into adulthood, an essential skill they need to develop is independent self-management. The ability to effectively manage various aspects of life, such as finances, time, and responsibilities, lays the foundation for a successful and fulfilling future. In this post, an ADHD therapist in Charlotte, NC will explore practical strategies and tips to […]

Executive Functioning and ADHD

"Executive functioning skills" on wooden hexagon cut outs. Representing how executive functioning skills can impact your every day life. Reach out to an ADHD therapist in Charlotte, NC to get the support you deserve.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, an already common childhood disorder, has seen a rise in online popularity as more and more people are taking to social media to increase awareness of the disorder. Hashtags like #ADHD and #ADHDinwomen – with billions of views – serve as a community for people diagnosed with ADHD and […]

Disorganized Attachment

An illustration of two heads: one with tangled thoughts & the other with organized thoughts. Representing how trauma treatment in Charlotte, NC can help you manage disorganized attachment. Reach out to a trauma therapist today.

As many know, attachment styles are a key component in understanding and breaking dysfunctional relationship patterns. Attachment styles develop in childhood based on our relationship with our caregivers. In adulthood, they serve as the foundation for how one behaves, communicates, and handles conflict in relationships. Attachment styles are divided into two categories: secure and insecure. […]

Structuring Your Day to Avoid Procrastination

A cartoon of a man drawing a line with a large pencil & placing green flags. An ADHD therapist in Charlotte, NC can help you find strategies to manage your ADHD. Reach out today to get started.

Ever wake up with a long list of things to do that aren’t very hard to do at all? Send a few emails, write down your thoughts, reach out to coworkers, do a few sit-ups, clean your dishes, and vacuum the floor. None of these tasks are inherently difficult, so then why is it so […]

Nurturing Self-Leadership: Embracing Internal Family Systems (IFS) for Mental Well-being

A group of diverse illustration people carrying out different lifestyles. If you want to begin working on your IFS, reach out to an IFS therapist in Charlotte, NC today.

There are many different types of therapeutic approaches to aid in someone’s wellness journey. It is essential to explore therapeutic approaches that empower you and feel like a good fit. Internal Family Systems (IFS) is one approach that recognizes the complexity of our inner world. By understanding and embracing our internal family, we can cultivate self-energy […]

Using Mindfulness to Cope with Trauma

A cartoon of a pink person sitting in a meditation pose. Read our blog here to learn more information on trauma bonding. Our trauma treatment in Charlotte, NC can give you the tools you need to heal!

What is Trauma Bonding? Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms an unhealthy bond with the person who abuses them. Essentially, they are the dysfunctional attachments that occur in the presence of danger, shame, or exploitation committed by an abuser. What are the Symptoms of Trauma Bonds? […]

Anxiety: How to cope with anxiety caused by things out of your control

An illustration of a woman thinking. Representing how we can use DBT skills to help our anxiety. Get started with our DBT therapy in Charlotte, NC today.

Anxiety, feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease, is a common source of distress. When worrying is excessive, difficult to control, and causes significant distress or impairment, it can be especially challenging to cope with.  There are many causes of anxiety and different people may have vastly different triggers for their anxiety. A common source of […]